
On this website, we have provided you with further information as well as documents which will help you in your work with us. If you need further information, please contact our Customer Service.

General Terms and Conditions as PDF

Code of Conduct

Ready2nox: manage delivery locations online

Information on the Minimum Wage Act (as of 1st January 2025)

Diesel Fuel Surcharge:

For a determination of the DKZ, which is based on the average monthly diesel prices of the fuel supplier Aral, please contact

Dangerous goods:

Many industries require the transport of dangerous goods. As a European market leader for NighttimeExpress, we also transport dangerous goods safely and reliably through our network. Irrespective of whether this concerns pyrotechnic articles in the automotive industry or chemicals for the life sciences industry.

Please consult our dangerous goods guide for the precise transportation options for your goods and the dangerous goods classes accepted at nox Germany GmbH. This also contains all the other information necessary for shipping dangerous goods with nox Germany GmbH.

 Dangerous goods guide

ADR Dangerous goods declaration

Information on the obligation to mark parcels in accordance with §73 PostModG

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