No, we do not work on behalf of private consignors. Our clients are exclusively companies for whom we transport shipments to business customers or consumers.
If you have any questions about your shipment, please contact the shipper directly or use our Track & Trace via the link in the shipping confirmation.
If your shipment is damaged, please contact the sender directly.
If you wish to return your goods, please contact the sender. You can report the return there. If the sender has asked you to return the goods independently, we are unfortunately not your partner, see point 1.
nox will try to deliver the parcel one more time. Ideally, we will contact you by phone beforehand and can arrange this attempt.
Consignments to private individuals are intended for personal delivery unless you give us permission to deposit them at an agreed delivery location. In the case of a drop-off agreement, it is very likely that we will deliver in the 03:00-08:00 a.m. time slot.
You will receive an email from the sender with a tracking link and a link to our notification page. This link is active for 48 hours and can be used to specify a drop-off location or desired days for personal delivery.
When your shipment can be delivered depends, among other things, on when we can collect it. Internal processes at the shipper play a role here, over which we have no influence. If you have any questions, please contact the sender. As a general rule, once you have received a shipping confirmation, it may take another 1-2 days for nox to physically receive the shipment. You will see this in the first scan. We also allow at least 1 day for your notification after collection. The schedule provides for delivery on the third day at the earliest or as specified in the notification.
Please contact the shipper for any further questions.
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