nox NachtExpress at E-World

nox NachtExpress at E-World 2023

Solutions for the energy industry will be in focus at the nox NachtExpress exhibit at the E-world trade fair from 23 to 25 May in Essen. This is the first time that nox will have a stand of its own at the leading trade fair for the energy sector.

“Uninterrupted supplies of energy and gas are crucial for our economy, and for our society, as well,” according to Maya Landahl, Business Development Manager at nox NachtExpress. “We support our customers by playing a special role in their value chains.”

The nox Nighttime Express service differs from traditional CEP solutions in that nox picks up the needed parts by early evening and delivers them before work begins the next business day – by 8 a.m., by 7 a.m., or by 6 a.m. No receipt is needed, and delivery is made to fit the customer’s individual needs. “A classic case is dropping off parts right in the cargo space of the service technician’s van, so that they can drive directly to the job as soon as the workday starts,” Maya Landahl explains. “But we can also deliver parts right to an electricity pylon, a wind turbine, or a biomass power plant, or we can stock unmanned storage facilities.”

You can learn more about the advantages that this service provides for the energy industry and about nox’s additional specialized services for various industries at their stand at E-world, Galeria G1.


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