Commitment and excellent apprenticeship lead to success!

For the second time in a row, our location in Ludwigsburg was honoured for its excellence in carrying out apprenticeship programmes and justifiably so! We are particularly proud of Silas, one of our apprentices, who completed his apprenticeship as a Management Assistant for Courier, Express and Postal Service business with the top mark of “excellent”!

Silas started his apprenticeship on 1 September 2021 and he achieved one of the best exams among all those completing their apprenticeship this summer. During the last three years, he got to know various departments including sales, customer service, commercial and human resources. He showed his commitment not only in his everyday work, but also in projects like a raffle to support the “Sterne für Innight e.V.” programme. This kind of dedication is what makes Silas stand out. 
We met with him for a short interview to learn more about his experiences.



Interview with Silas


  1. Silas, congratulations on your outstanding graduation! What was the highlight of your apprenticeship for you?

    Thank you! The highlight of my apprenticeship was definitely our excursion to the Port of Hamburg, particularly because of the insight into container logistics we got there. It was really impressive to see the gigantic containerships up close – the dimensions are even more amazing when you see them in reality instead of on photos or videos. In addition, the trip was a great opportunity to get together with the other apprentices that I had gotten to know better during the apprenticeship. It was fun to explore the port together and share this special experience.

  2. Which department was the most fun and why?

    Oh, I have to mention two there. First dispatching, which is also what I decided on after completing apprenticeship. It’s very satisfying when you can make customers happy by quickly arranging a shipment that they urgently need. I also find it especially exciting to organize special deliveries throughout Germany for our consignors.
    I liked sales very much, too, even though I wasn’t in that department very long. I gained a lot of interesting insights, especially seeing what kinds of reports are made for the customers and what discussions and negotiations go on before a contract gets signed or rates are adjusted. This department showed me how important good preparation and communication are in our business.

  3. You were involved in numerous projects during your apprenticeship. Is there one project that you are especially proud of?

    Yes, there truly is one that I’m particularly proud of: organizing the raffle to support “Sterne für Innight e.V.” That project was a real highlight for me because we could support the “Sterne für Innight e.V.” programme through it. It’s a great feeling to know that we are able to help our colleagues through this if they ever get into difficulties. To see how our commitment directly contributes to the welfare of our colleagues was very fulfilling and showed me how important such initiatives are.

  4. Along with your apprenticeship, you are a passionate football fan and active in a club. How do you manage to combine work and hobby?

    The work-life balance is an extremely important aspect for me and I’m very happy that the working world recognizes that more and more. My active role in the club helps me really relax and provides a good balance for my daily work. Of course, it costs time and I had to sacrifice a few days of leave, but it was always worth it. 
    Then too, we have a lot of colleagues at our workplace who are also enthusiastic about football. Some are even fans of the same team as me, which of course also links us even more. But even if somebody supports another team, football is always a great topic and we can talk about it during our breaks.

  5. What tips do you have for future apprentices who are going to be starting their training?

    My most important tip is – just jump right into it! It’s perfectly normal to be excited before taking such an important step. But I always felt at home here. There are lots of opportunities to get to know people, not just other apprentices, but also colleagues in other departments or at other sites. I’m still in touch with many of them today. 
    It is also important to know that you can always find someone to help you here. There’s a very informal atmosphere at nox and in my experience you will be respected and supported here very quickly. No matter what problem you have, there is always someone with an open ear, a colleague, your trainer, or even the boss. You don’t have to do everything alone; it is perfectly okay to ask for help.



We are proud to have accompanied Silas on his way and are looking forward to seeing his further development.

Many thanks to everyone, especially to his supervisor Daniela Vogt (see photo), who contributed to the success of the training with their commitment!


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