Sustainability Strategy of nox Germany GmbH

We firmly believe that sustainability is the key to a future worth living. That's why we are proud to publish our sustainability strategy, which outlines a clear roadmap for our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and beyond.

Our strategy is the result of intensive analysis and our team's commitment to a sustainable future. It comprises three key areas of action: Planet, People and Progress. In the ‘Planet’ area of action, we are setting ourselves ambitious targets to reduce our CO2 emissions and conserve resources. We are aiming to reduce our CO2 emissions by 10% each year in order to become climate-neutral by 2050.

But for us, sustainability means more than just environmental protection. We are aware of our social responsibility and are actively committed to promoting diversity and intensifying transport partnerships.

Transparency is of crucial importance to us. That's why we offer all interested parties the opportunity to download our sustainability strategy from our website.

Would you like to know how we intend to achieve this goal?
You can find all the answers in the PDF below:

nox sustainability strategy 2024 - 2025


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